atma | BEAUTY

View of salon staff assisting clients

Join Us.

What does it mean to have a career at Atma Beauty?

Atma Beauty is a place that builds people.  We are committed to creating an environment where we can all grow, not only as artists but professionals.  This is done with Educational Classes, Career Mapping, Educational Platforms and Skill Building Photo shoots.

You never want to be the smartest person in the room. If you are, then there is no challenge or place to grow and you your growth potential is hindered.

That is why we at Atma believe in growing through Education,Experience and Dedication
“The mind is like a parachute, it works best when it is open”.

Email us your application and portfolio links

PARKING:  There is plenty of parking in the Sunset Harbour neighborhood.   Street parking is available at $4/Hour.  There is also a public garage   on Bay Rd. between True Loaf and Barcaloneta at $1/hour.  If you want to go green, the Citibike station is on 20th st in front of Publix.

E-Mail  //

Hours // Mon 10-5 |Tue 10-6 | Wed 10-7 | Thur and Fri 10-8 | Sat 9-6

Phone  //  786.216.7510

Atma Social:

Intstagram  // @AtmaBeauty 

Twitter  //  @AtmaBeauty

Facebook  //  AtmaBeauty

Snapchat  //  AtmaBeauty

Google+  //  AtmaBeauty

Tumblr  //  AtmaBeauty

atma | BEAUTY